Do numbers really tell the whole story of podcast success?
Let’s face it: We’re often obsessed with subscribers and downloads.
But here’s the catch—especially for B2B podcasts: **QUALITY over quantity** is what truly counts.
Join host Mikkel Svold, owner of Montanus, as he reveals **cost-effective strategies** to boost your podcast listenership—yes, even on a budget! 🎙️
From supercharging your social media game to fine-tuning your SEO, Mikkel’s got the inside scoop on pulling in the *right* listeners for your niche.
He’ll also tackle some overlooked tactics—like how often you publish and the surprising power of simply asking listeners to subscribe.
Want to make waves in the podcasting world?
Dive in for practical, actionable tips designed to elevate your voice and engage your unique audience. Don’t miss out—tune in now!
What You’ll Learn
– How to increase followers on a limited budget
– Importance of targeting the right listeners over quantity
– Unpaid strategies for wider podcast distribution
– Enhancing SEO to organically grow podcast audiences
– The power of direct calls-to-action within your podcast
– Benefits of increasing your podcast publication frequency
Episode Transcript (AI Generated)
Hello and welcome to the Content Universe! Today I want to talk a little bit about how you can get more followers to your podcast even with a kind of tight budget. My name is Mikkel Svold and I am your host of this show, and this show is basically a vlog style kind of show where I dig into some of the stuff that I’ve been working on from today and then see if I can drag out just a little bit of learning so a little bit of tips and tricks for you guys out there. I am the owner myself of a content production agency called Montanus where we do podcasts and blog posts and all that kind of stuff for other companies, mainly high-knowledge companies. Now, like I said today I want to talk about how you can get more followers or how you can get more listeners to your podcast even though you might not have the biggest budget of them all. Now I got this question from one of my good clients, how can we get more listeners to our show even if we are not able to fund it more with more advertising. Now there are a few ways of doing this but before you start considering these alternatives or before you dig into how you want to do it there’s one thing that I really think you might want to consider and that is oftentimes a podcast is measured on the number of subscribers, the number of listeners, the number of plays or downloads and that is of course a kind of a good measure but for many of the podcasts that I work with it is also a measurement or it’s also a metric that doesn’t really make that much sense why is that? Well if you think about it many of the podcasts that I host myself and that I help my customers and clients produce it’s a very niche podcast so it’s a very very niche market it’s very narrowly focused on a specific type of person so the target audience is a specific type of person within an organization and that organization in itself is already kind of niche, so that means that having thousands and thousands of listeners doesn’t really make any sense and hence also measuring or using that as a primary metric the number of listeners or the number of people subscribing it doesn’t really make that much sense because sometimes even a hundred people listening will be plenty for for you guys out there if you only have.. if that that can be half of your market share So it’s more about having the right people to listen than it is about the number of people that is one argument however we still want to have listeners we still want to measure listeners we still want to gain more followers more listeners to our podcast even though we are talking in the hundreds or the low thousands rather than in the high thousands okay that was just a short little little snippet on that look let’s look at how we can try and maximize the number of subscribers to our podcast of course there are the usual metrics so you would you would or the usual handles that you can turn the first one of them obviously being running advertisement for your podcast so pushing it out on Social Media using Social Media advertising to push your podcast out to the the people you want to listen and then of course also you can do in podcast advertisement so you can use the podcast platform itself to push advertising basically in other shows so whenever you’re your potential listener is listening to another show than yours you can then push an advert in front of that show or or just after show so that is that is basically the paid version of and getting more more subscribers more listeners okay now when we then look at the unpaid versions of the unpaid methods of doing this there is a couple of different things that you want to do so one of them obviously is again about distribution so instead of only sharing a new episode once on Social Media you want to share it maybe twice maybe three times maybe 10 times the more you share it and then the more variety in the sharing in the way that you share your podcast the better because the the more well exposure your show will have to your target audience and that is a really really important way another way that I would really recommend and it really does help a lot is reaching out podcast where you have guests on the show then reach out to those guests have them share the podcast episode they participate in have them share it with their with their personal connections with their personal I was just about to say audience but with their personal connections let them share it out in their network give them graphic designs that they can use give them video snippets give them maybe pre-written texts they can use just to make it easy for them send it out to them by email or send them you know tag them in the in the stuff that you are sharing yourself but having a using all the means you can to kind of engage the people that have already agreed to participate in the podcast that is for many reasons in the interest of the guest themselves that they really want to show off they participated in your podcast they want show off the knowledge that they’re shared as well so they want to do it and for you making it easy for them to participate in sharing and distributing that it’s just going to boost your your your place quite a lot okay that is method number two three one two three I don’t know. Next up there is of course SEO so you can also and you should also work with your tagging you should work with your titling of the podcast so you can see if you can gain some listeners simply by getting them through search of course this is a more of like a long-term strategy it’s not something that will help straight away but it will help and especially if you also use your podcast to create say articles or blog posts or the like to create those kind of things and then create sort of a network of different posts so that could be blog posts but also of course your your show notes posts on your website so if you create an internal linked network you will then again gain a wider net of search and and you kind of widen the SEO net so to say again trying to capture more listeners in your podcast. And then there’s one thing that I think a lot of podcasters are actually neglecting a little bit and they kind of forget is that you really do want to tell people what you want them to do because otherwise they don’t really do it so if you put up a sign that says go left there’s a bigger chance that many of the people seeing that sign they will actually go left. You can use that same thing when you’re doing your podcast so instead of just closing down the show and saying goodbye and thank you for listening, tell them to click the subscribe button, tell them to comment on the show, tell them to engage with the show, tell them to rate the show, ask them to rate the show, and I’m gonna do the same thing with this show you and if you’ve heard them before I you know I really tried to remember doing it in every single episode. Because those kinds of asks, they actually really help drive, well both engagement but also action, so it actually does help getting more subscribers if you ask people to subscribe. Okay, so those were just a couple of different things that you can do to maximize the number of listeners even though that the number of listeners is sometimes a little bit of a a metric that doesn’t make sense when we’re talking niche business-to-business podcasts. There is one last bonus tip that I want to give out there, and it is a bonus tip because it’s sort of not a way of distributing and it’s also a non bonus tip because it has one thing that really does require quite a lot of resource. The thing that really boosts plays, boosts subscriptions, boosts listener numbers. The thing that really does help a lot is publishing with a higher frequency. The higher the frequency you can publish with the more exposure you will have on the different podcast platforms to those people who have already listened to your stuff, the more you will take up that really valuable real estate that is your first landing page on your whatever podcast player the listener is on and that real estate is worth a lot, so if you want to boost your listens you really ought to publish more episodes, record more episodes, publish more episodes the more the merrier. If you can do a daily one like this one is trying to be well that is going to push out a notification every single day to the listeners that you already have and of course that is going to boost your listening numbers quite a bit. That is the last tip from me today I hope you enjoyed it and if you did like I just said do please click the subscribe button it really does help drive this podcast to other people like you as well, so if you like it subscribe and of course please give it a five-star review, I think a lot of people are also saying give it a review no matter if it’s a five star or not I really love to hear from you so if you have any topics or questions or just you know mental high-fives you want to send along you can contact me on podcast at podcast at montanus dot CEO all right that is it for today and I hope to see you around in the next time in the content universe thanks bye